Hello and welcome to Spirits page! Spirits
are very special individuals at The Site Fights. We spread spirit
and the message of TSF everywhere we can. It's a lot of fun being
a Spirit and I think that it's a great way to help others.

The best way to share the Spirit is to
pass a spirit stick around. Here are a couple that I offer to
take at least one if you don't have one yet ...

I've been a Spirit since the beginning of
June '99 and I am Spirit Zelani!

I was Featured Spirit for the week! Thank you so much!

I was just made Spirit of the week! (10-3-99) Thank you so much!

Since there are now so many Spirits in DRealm, Spirits have teams to spread spirit with new fighters by dusting them. :)
Spirit Teams (this week)
Starfighters Spirit Team
I was a Starfighters Spirit until November 1, 1999 when I became Spirit Leader for Fantanthia, DRealm of Dreams. **Then Fantanthia had a transformation into Atlantis - The Lost City**
~*Atlantis Spirits*~

Made by DStarla .

DSpirit links
DRealm of DSpirits
DEssence of DSpirits
Spirit Train
DSpirit Index of Pages
Spirit News
Top 100 Spirit Pages
